Sample Addendum Agreement

An example of a contract supplement template is a good thing if you want to add a supplement to your contract. In concrete terms, a contract supplement is a previously agreed supplement to the initial contract. Before creating the addendum, both parties should review some templates to familiarize themselves with the process of how the addendum should be written and what it should contain. All terms of the Publication Agreement, including all grants, agreements, assurances and warranties, are subject to a non-exclusive license previously granted by the author to Harvard University. Under this license, Harvard may provide the work and exercise all copyrights in the work and allow others to do the same, provided that the work is not sold for profit. The following is the addendum developed for the Harvard FAS faculty in collaboration with the Harvard FAS Open Access Policy of February 12, 2008. Where applicable, all the conditions of the publication agreement, including all grants, agreements, insurance and guarantees, are subject to and are qualified by non-exclusive rights granted or granted by the author to a promotional body which, within the framework of an agreement concluded between the author or the employer institution of the author and that promotion body, has granted or must grant the research reflected in the work. was financially supported. (z.B. an authority of the United States Government and/or the employer institution of the author.
