South Carolina Landlord Tenant Lease Agreement

Communication required for access to real estate (No. 27-40-530 (c)): Twenty-four (24) hours and owners can only enter at reasonable times. The termination of the breach of the lease requires 14 days of communication. The tenant cannot deny the landlord the right to enter the premises, including to make changes, repair them, improve them or make decorations. South Carolina imposes special and specific requirements on landlords and tenants when executing a lease. For example, the South Carolina statutes provide: Lease with Option to Purchase Agreement – Standard housing document with the additional language that gives the tenant the right to purchase the property. If the lessor does not comply with the rules, the tenant can recover the money and the property in an amount equivalent to three times the amount improperly withheld. The South Carolina Standard Residential Rental Agreement (Form 410) is the official state contract used to establish a binding contract in which a property is leased for regular payments. The lease contains very specific provisions that are used to ensure that both the administrator and the tenants fully understand what is expected of them before the expiry of the lease, which is usually one (1) year after signing.

Due to the formal nature of the document, parties should read the document carefully before signing, as a contract change can be extremely difficult after a tenant arrives. An important indication with respect to the SC law is that owners cannot enter a property unless 24 (24) hours have been set and entry is made at an appropriate time. Bail return period (No. 27-40-410): After the tenant has been delivered or the lease has been terminated, the landlords have 30 days to return all or part of the deposit to the tenant (depending on the deductions made). If there is an inexplicable absence of the tenant for more than fifteen (15) days after a delay in payment of the rent, then it will be an assumed task of the building. The owner can then enter the premises and dispose of personal property with a total value of less than $500. A landlord should try to inform all tenants of the alleged abandonment of private property before proceeding with the disposal.